2007年5月29日 星期二

Aeon Flux

選擇題 : Well done! You've completed all the questions!
You got 4 correct in 9 attempts.

2007年5月28日 星期一

Effect of technology

Nowadays society's technical development , it urges the civilized the progress and technical developed , but relative has also brought many disasters .

For example : the air pollution . The carbon dioxide increase has created thegreenhouse effect , this will have the suitable injury to the futureenvironment .The flood eruption, follows many person of casualties But thesenature counter-attacking, could not escape the relations with our cashscience and technology .

Although the science and technology has brought many injuries , but also has brought many conveniences .

The present most need the work is starts from the present to recover the nature .

Focus & Meaning STUDENT17, on a scale of one to six, your response to this assignment was rated a 2 for focus. Focus relates to your ability to present a consistent, unified message and stay on topic. Your focus is minimal. Typically, a response at this level demonstrates a limited understanding of the purpose and audience, but that may not be totally clear and/or may lack a continued focus on the main idea throughout the essay. STUDENT17,您文章內的主題不完整或遺漏了,這表示您並未說明您是贊成或反對這個題目。一旦您表示出贊成或反對,您至少需要三個理由來支持您的想法。 STUDENT17,下列是一些幫助您改進文章這個部分的建議:
讀者: 您需要知道閱讀此文章的讀者是誰。您可以假裝寫信給在題目中提出意見的人,舉例來說,假如題目的開頭是 your school board has decided to,這封信就可以是寫給Dear School Board的。
目的: STUDENT17,說明您對該文章主題的看法(您是贊成或反對文章題目中所表達出的看法)。 a. 使用Persuasive Topic Sentence Outline,根據文章主題,在標示意見的那幾行寫下您的意見。您在這裡寫下的部分會當做此議論文文章的第一段。 b. 在說明您的立場後,一定要提供理由說明您的看法,至少要提供三個理由。這些理由將在您寫文章的其餘部分的時候會用到。
任務: 再看一次題目指派給您的任務,您是否完成了全部任務?

2007年5月15日 星期二


1. Why was Operation Smile formed? Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a child?

In 1982 , the Magees traveled to the Philippines with a groud of medical volunteers .
They hoped can help the person which more needs to help .
Yes , I will do that .

2. How do you think children's lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?

That kind of feeling picture is a new life , it has entrusted with a new life . They will live a more hopful future .

3. Which organization belongs to NPO in Taiwan ? Can you learn from it and describe your volunteering ambition ?(NPO :Non-profit organization)

Tzuchi Charity merits and virtues meeting.
I hoped I may help the heart disease person , I will pay the meager mental effort .

2007年4月17日 星期二


The Art of life
The poem seem to give us many enlightenment.
To my view point of the poem , Song of life gives the person very many enlightenment. For exampel : Life value , life process , success and setback and life goal. First time I read when this poem has plants strong feeling in my heart . One side comparison Chinese translation , I feel between the words and expressions the move , and let one heart be just like the poet . Thereupon I start to ponder own life goal , I has the zeal to own life , it does not let the time in vain waste.
The ancient said that "Priceless inch time" . The meaning tells us , time to life importance .
Human life is limited time , how should complete own duty ? How does not let time insignificant passing ? This all is worthy of pondering . In the life unavoidably I can come across the setback , how has to study moves suitably , facing the setback , and changes into the setback the strength , lets the resistance transform for boosts.
My morit : (1)The individuality is open and bright to like making the friends . (2)Like the friends in together the living feeling . (3)Likes helping the others .
My shortcoming : (1)The temperament is not good I often am anger because of the minor matter.(2) I am sluggish , and often is not interested to aome matters .

2007年2月12日 星期一


In future 18 week, I hope my English can have progresses. The hope attends class can wholly absorbed listen and do not hit sleepily. The English can more and more progress.